It’s been a good 5 months now that I’m looking for the right formula!
As you know, I have been running The Daily Board since 2011 without having collected a penny, while I spend a lot of time, energy and some money for the domain name and hosting of the site. I don’t want to open a Tipeee account or advertise brands (of energy drink for example). Certainly, I promote my own brand TIGERCLAW Supplies, but in a discreet way and I think it makes sense to present boards to customize or skate bindings to artists or collectors.
On the other hand, I receive submissions of boards or series by many artists. These are often very interesting but too much to promote them, I sometimes left the editorial line that I had set. So I stopped accepting submissions to promote only what I want at the base.
After having done a good job of the idea, I ended up making the following two offers:
- An offer to present a board or series in one-shot, open to all but subject to validation by myself and the INKING BOARD team.
- A second offer for highly productive artists, who regularly produce works from skateboarding and wish to present their work every month. For the latter, an interview will also be included and will allow you to know more about your artistic approach.
For each of the offers, there will also be a possibility to be included in the second volume of Skate Art that I will start preparing for the new year. To discover both offers, here is the dedicated page.