The ‘European Custom Board Show‘ event (organized by Chalk Custom Board Project and the Halles Saint Gery) has become an essential event for the European “custom board” scene. On July 2, it was the 3rd edition that saw the light of day in Brussels in an iconic building: the Halles Saint Gery. This year, the exhibition welcomes no less than 50 artists from all over Europe and from very diverse universes: tattoo, architecture, painting, graffiti, sculpture, graphics … No less than 150 custom boards are presented for the occasion .
A great novelty of the 2020 edition, an additional exhibition came to accompany the custom boards: the presentation of a theme “urbanity Brussels”, presenting a reflection on skateboarding and its impact (social, architectural, environmental …) in Brussels. The opportunity to highlight the activists who have created the Brussels sk8 scene for twenty years, very often with the sweat of their brow and with a real DIY spirit!
The organizers (Mathieu Bonte a.k.a Mata7ik, Zoola, Alex Deeko and Maxime Halot) are already delighted with the first media returns and the many visitors who flock every day. As Mathieu says, co-founder of the Chalk Custom Board Project and at the initiative of this event since 2017: “This third edition has a very particular value in our eyes, because we had to fight against all the uncertainties linked to the Covid, work almost full time remotely and take care of our communication with all the artists and partners so that this event can see the light in its best form. It is already a huge success and victory for the collective Chalk Custom Board Project, in close collaboration with the Halles Saint Gery team who have demonstrated their ability to lift mountains to make this event one of the most important of 2020. Then, we welcomed three skate photographers for this third edition: Thomas Marchal, Jan Dijkmans and Eric Osterman. Their works are presented in the exhibition, right in the middle of the custom boards.”
Alleluia, the European Custom Board Show exhibition is open until the beginning of September, the opportunity to go there for a weekend or more if affinities!
All the info on the European Custom Board Show website, photos of the opening below and go to the online store if you are interested in a board or a series.