Throughout its history, skateboarding has known many waves. From its beginnings (around 1940) to our days, the “Rouli-roulant” as our Quebecois friends called it, has known a real turning point since 1999. This is what Daniel Fedkenheuer wanted to show in The Next Wave. The writer and sales manager at Dwindle retraces everything that allowed this culture to become what it is today.
From iconic events like the X Games, Street League or the Olympics, to legendary or recent brands, to the changes in skate parts consumption with Youtube and then Instagram, Daniel addresses every component of skate history. This book is enhanced with photos to illustrate each topic and to ensure accuracy, the writer went to the major players in the industry. He interviewed 45 people behind big brands or big magazines like Ian Michna from Jenkem, George Powell from Powell-Peralta, Steve Rodriguez from 5boro and pro-riders like Richie Jackson, Leo Baker, Chris Cole or Paul Rodriguez to name a few.
A gold mine of 230 pages to (re)discover all the highlights of these last decades. Published in partnership with the Skateboarding Hall of Fame and Museum, the book is available on their website, on SellerDoor’s website or, for those outside the United States, on Amazon. All the information, on Daniel Fedkenheuer’s website.